2. Pain Mechanism

What Is Pain?Pain Is a Defense MechanismThe Biopsychosocial ModelThe autonomous nervous systemWhy Does Chronic Pain Develop?Bottom Line

The Pain Mechanism: What Causes Neuroplastic Pain/MBS?

What is pain? Why does it happen? And why do certain types of pain get “stuck” and become chronic?
To deactivate pain, we must first understand how it works. As you will see, pain is a neurological response to actual or potential danger. For this reason, healing from pain requires us to move the spotlight away from the body and towards the central nervous system and the brain.

In this section, you’ll be able to read about the psychosocial model for understanding pain and the changes that take place within the brain and central nervous system when the pain response is activated for an extended period.

This knowledge is critical, because it's the primary tool you can use to start changing how you perceive your symptoms. As you’ll see later, this change in perception is central to all therapeutic interventions that have been found to be effective for treating pain.

In other words: if you are coping with chronic pain,
I recommend dropping everything and learning in greater depth about the connection between pain and your brain.

You can certainly expect to be surprised!

Heart and brain are connected with electricity

What Is Pain?

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as follows:

“An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.”

Two points stand out from this definition of pain: first, that pain is always, 100% of the time, an experience that involves both body and mind. Second, pain is connected to “actual or potential” damage to the body itself.
As we’ll see further on, pain reflects the level of danger perceived by the brain and the central nervous system, and not the health of the tissue itself.
To understand this in greater depth, we’ll start with the basic question:

Why do we even feel pain?

Heart with shield

Pain Is a Defense Mechanism

Most of us would prefer to rid our lives of pain. Of course we would; it’s an unpleasant experience. However, pain is an evolutionary mechanism that is essential for our survival. Certain rare genetic conditions damage one’s ability to sense pain, and people who suffer from these syndromes often have a short life expectancy because they are unable to identify danger in time, and therefore don’t survive.

Pain, at its source, is a defense mechanism meant to bring our attention to acute potential danger, such as a wound or another adverse event. If you sprain your ankle while walking down the stairs, it’s important that you be aware of this. How will you know? The sharp pain will deliver the message well: Danger! You must stop everything and seek medical attention.

Contrary to popular belief, pain doesn’t originate from the organ that hurts, but rather from the brain.

The brain controls and directs the creation or delay of pain. It does so by activating a complex control system that oversees the transfer of information from the body to the brain and vice versa. There are no “pain sensors” in our bodies. Sensory information is received by our nerve endings via special sensors (neuroreceptors), and passes through the nervous system to the spinal cord and the brain. The brain is a sort of “top-level supervisor” that processes the sensory information together with the broader context of factors and decides how to respond.

Is this an emergency? Is it a false alarm? What behavior could best preserve our safety in this moment? If there is reason to believe that immediate protection is required,
the brain can create pain.
Practically speaking, pain results from connections made between the brain cells (neurons) that form a sort of neural pathway. This pathway connects at least 9 different brain centers (e.g. emotional, sensory, motor, etc.).

When the neural pathway is activated, a “pain melody” is produced that will be transmitted back from the brain to the body. In essence, we can see pain as part of a primeval neurological defense mechanism our brain uses to communicate with us. The purpose of pain is to bring our attention to something our brain perceives as dangerous. The big question left for us to examine is: what is that danger?

Pain Is a Decision of the Brain and Not a Reflection of the Tissue’s Health?Yes, note that the definition of pain emphasizes “perceived danger״. Pain does not necessarily reflect the level of damage to the tissue; rather, it expresses the brain’s “opinion” about the level of danger present at a given moment. The brain can create, increase, decrease, or even stop pain based on that opinion.

Here are a few examples of the disparity between the level of tissue damage and the presence of pain:
The brain creates pain without any tissue damage:

• One of the phenomena that most clearly demonstrate how the brain functions when creating pain is what we call “phantom pain.” This is a unique condition where a person feels very significant pain (tingling, stinging, or burning) in a missing limb. In this case, the pain is created as a result of activation of neural connections in the brain and is transmitted to the body.

• Another example: the artificial arm experiment. I recommend watching the following video that demonstrates how you can feel real physical pain by watching a painful stimulus applied to an artificial arm (a hammer strike, a pinprick, etc.).

• One of the most well-known stories documented in medical literature is called “Nail in the Boot.”

A construction worker stepped on a nail that pierced his boot and came out the other side. He was rushed to the hospital suffering from severe pain and received strong pain medication. But it turned out that the nail never actually touched his foot — it went through the space between his toes. Of course, discovering this fact stopped the pain immediately.

This case demonstrates the role of perceived danger in creating pain very clearly.

The vision of the nail running through his boot caused the worker’s brain to conclude that he was in great danger, even though there was no physical damage to the tissue.
What About the Opposite? Physical Tissue Damage with No Pain:

• Have you ever noticed a bruise or burn on your body and had no idea where it came from? This is an everyday example of injury without pain. The brain “decided” to block the danger signals it received from the body and let you continue whatever you were doing unhindered. It’s likely that you were immersed in something important, and your focus was elsewhere, or your brain didn’t perceive a threat from the injury, so you didn’t feel pain.In certain situations, extreme force is exerted on the body, but it won’t feel pain.

• Think about a professional soccer player who scores an important goal during the game. Most likely, the whole team will jump on them and a great deal of weight will press down on their body, but they’ll always jump back up and continue playing. Try to imagine an entire soccer team jumping on someone on the street; an event like this would likely result in extreme pain that would continue for an extended period.

In real life-threatening situations, the brain will often decide to dull pain or even block it entirely. The brain prefers to activate the muscular defense system to enable you to flee from the situation, rather than “listen” to the sensory signals about physical damage to tissue.

• For example, what if you sprained your ankle while hiking in the mountains, but at that exact moment, there was a rockslide? Do you think you would feel pain and stop to take care of your foot? Would the sprain stop you from running away quickly?

• On a similar vein, there are many stories of soldiers who were severely injured on the battlefield, but felt no pain at the time, and only became aware of their injuries when they were rescued. Their brains chose to “silence” the danger signals coming from the tissue to ensure that the pain would not distract them from the larger goal of fighting for their lives and surviving.


The Biopsychosocial Model

Research shows that sensory information coming from tissue is only part of what the brain considers when it evaluates the level of danger present. This information comes from the “control room” in the brain that’s responsible for evaluating the danger, and a “staff meeting” takes place there with 3 primary speakers:

The sensory speaker

who provides information about the condition of the tissues, genetic factors, physical factors connected to the immune system, the hormonal system, nutrition, sleep, and so on.

The social speaker

who provides information about the immediate surroundings, the level of social or family support, negative events in the past, traumas, external stressors, “where am I and who is with me” and so on.

The psychological speaker

who speaks about emotions (mostly anger, grief, helplessness, frustration, fear), thoughts (for example: “all is lost”), beliefs, meaning assigned to the pain, expectations about the future, ways to cope with it, and even increased stress the person causes within himself sometimes without his knowledge (for example, a tendency towards perfectionism, a desire to please others, sharp self-criticism, etc.).

The conclusion reached at this staff meeting will lead the brain to assess the level of danger it perceives. This assessment will determine whether the brain will activate the neural pathways of pain or not, and at what intensity. Research shows that on a neurological level, there is no difference between a sensory threat or a psychological threat; the brain even processes this information in the same centers. For the brain, it doesn’t matter whether you sustained a blow to your back or found yourself in a difficult situation at work with a boss making your life miserable; in both situations, the same defense mechanism may be activated in the form of a backache. You might start feeling stomach pain as a result of a fight with a good friend or social ostracism or food poisoning. A threat is a threat, whether its source is social (current stress or early trauma), or physical, and the only way your brain has to let you know that you’re in danger is transmitting pain.

What Happens in the Body When the Brain Perceives Danger Signals?

Autonomous Nervous System

To understand this, it’s important to be aware of the autonomous nervous system. This system, which is responsible for a wide range of physiological functions, operates independently, unconsciously, and beyond our control. It’s responsible, among other things, for your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, body temperature, and digestive and urinary systems, and practically speaking, innervates every organ in the human body.

One branch of the system (the parasympathetic) is responsible for the body’s functioning in a state of rest and relaxation. In contrast, the other branch (the sympathetic) is responsible for the body’s functioning in a state of action, even emergency, meaning when we are in danger.

functioning in a state of action, even emergency, meaning when we are in danger. Let’s take for example a situation of physical threat. We’re walking down the street, minding our own business, and suddenly an electric scooter swerves in front of us. Almost certainly, before we even think about it, our body will respond on its own and will jump out of the way.

Note that in this situation, we didn’t stop to think or wonder about whether we were in danger; our system decided for us and that’s a good thing. When it perceives physical danger (the scooter), it will act by preparing the body for action, through flight, fighting, or freezing in place.

During this process, stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) will be released into our bloodstream and will cause a number of physiological changes, such as: changes in blood flow, increased heart rate, increased flow of energy to our skeletal muscles, and increased breathing rate.

In parallel, functions we don’t require for our immediate survival, such as our digestive and urinary systems, will decrease their activity significantly. When the threat is gone — for example, when the scooter drives past us without hitting us — the system will return to “quiet” activity under our radar. We might not even remember this event at the end of the day. This physiological defense system is there to protect us from precisely these types of threats: temporary and transient.
What happens, in contrast, when we are under a situation of threat that is non-physical and is not temporary or transient?

For example, if we are experiencing difficult emotions as the result of a loss (anger, helplessness, deep sadness)? Or if we feel trapped in a job we dislike or feel anger and frustration towards someone we love?

The same system that is responsible for protecting us from physical threats is recruited to protect us from emotional threats. Research shows that pain resulting from emotional damage (for example, an experience of pain as the result of a breakup) and pain resulting from physical damage share the same neural pathways in the brain!

Additionally, the center responsible for preserving and storing emotions (the amygdala) is closely connected to the center that houses the autonomous nervous system (the hypothalamus and brain stem).
Powerful emotion can activate the exact same series of involuntary physiological responses as a physical threat does.

The scope of the autonomous nervous system’s effect on what happens in our bodies is massive. Activation of the muscular system, for example, can cause pain in every part of our bodies and sensations of tingling, tickling, burning, and prickling as well as dizziness, tinnitus, and anxiety.

Activation of our digestive and urinary systems can cause digestive dysfunction and urinary problems (such as increased frequency and urgency when urinating). Activation of the cardiovascular system can cause heart palpitations and an elevated heart rate. Changes in blood flow can cause migraines and headaches as well as a freeze response (one of the body’s survival responses when under stress), which can be expressed as depression and exhaustion.‍

Not only is the range of symptoms so wide and diverse, their expression is also inconsistent and changes from person to person. Pain can appear suddenly or develop over time. It can be present temporarily (appearing every now and then) or constantly; it can be centralized in one location, or it can move from place to place.

It can be mild or severe. It’s important to note that though the pain is not caused by any direct damage to any tissue in the body, it’s still 100% real. It was created by physiological changes that are temporary, reversable, and not dangerous, which occur in our autonomous nervous system “under the radar,” unconsciously and outside of our control.


Why Does Chronic Pain Develop?

As mentioned, all pain is created in the brain (through activation of signals/neural circuits responsible for creating pain). Pain is not imagined or “in your head,” and it’s always real and felt within the body! It doesn’t matter whether its source is a sensory, psychological, or social threat. When the brain interprets a stimulus as a threat or danger, our systems respond by activating the neural pathways of pain.


Pain is there to bring our attention to the source of the danger. The problem is that sometimes when the danger passes (for example, the stress dissipates) or the injury heals (usually within 3–6 months), the pain continues, and might even get stronger or spread to other areas. We can look at chronic pain in these cases as a false alarm, or a misunderstanding in the conversation between the body and the brain. For some reason, the brain and central nervous system continue activating the neural pathways of pain even though no real danger is present.

Why does this happen?

1- The Response to the Symptoms Strengthens and Preserves Them:


The Response to the Symptoms Strengthens and Preserves Them:

Chronic pain, in and of itself, is one of the greatest sources of stress one can imagine. It’s impossible to remain indifferent to it. It changes a person’s life and evokes a series of characteristic responses:

The emotional response

Life with ongoing pain can bring up fear, worry, anger, guilt, and shame. A person who suffers from long-term pain is very familiar with the fear that maybe they are suffering from something very rare and dangerous and maybe that’s why it hasn’t been discovered yet? There’s also worry: what if I will stay this way my whole life? There’s fear of future pain, fear that the body will never get back to how it was, and anger about the situation and about the pain “ruining my life.”

The cognitive response

This refers to thoughts that arise as a result of the pain, often of a “catastrophic” nature about the present situation and the expected future, for example: “I am disabled,” “Something is wrong with me,” “All is lost,” “It will never go away.”

The behavioral response

Pain draws a great deal of focus. Lots of time, attention, and resources are invested in “pain management.” The mood crashes and thoughts that accompany them empty one’s batteries and drain away one’s energy and motivation. Very active people find themselves closing themselves in at home as a result of the pain, avoiding physical activity or social interactions, and their lives become narrower and narrower. The pain “runs their lives” and drags them down.

Research shows that when chronic pain develops, the way we react to it has a critical effect on its strength and duration. Think about how your brain “listens” to the thoughts and feelings and to the way you behave and respond to the unpleasant physical sensations. When you worry, experience fear, and avoid activities, this information is fed back into your danger response system and what does it conclude? Not only that the danger hasn’t passed, but that it has increased. When the symptoms evoke a response that fuels continued activation of the pain pathways, a chronic pain cycle is formed.
In this way, the pain develops a life of its own, and the neurological system continues to produce it in a closed circuit.

2- Pain Becomes a Learned Habit


Pain Becomes a Learned Habit

Think for a moment: how did you learn to ride a bicycle? At first, you fell off a lot, but as you practiced, your ability to hold the handlebars in the correct position, maintain your balance, and turn the pedals improved. Gradually, riding a bike became smooth, and you didn’t need to invest thought or planning into it; it became automatic.

In neurological terms, practicing created a pathway of connections between your brain cells. From that point on, every time you get on a bike, that pathway is activated quickly and automatically, and is translated into action (riding). Why does our riding improve the more we do it? The reason is biological:
The more the neurons fire or are activated together, the connection between them strengthens, and the code they create becomes stronger.
The same principle applies to pain. Pain is also a kind of “neurological code,” a connection between neurons that translates into a certain physical experience.
What happens when we experience pain again and again, for months or years?
The neurological pathway strengthens, and the brain activates it more quickly and smoothly.
The pain turns into a sort of automatic habit that requires no thought from us.

What makes the neural pathway expressed as pain more “stubborn” is connected to another mechanism for learning new things: conditioning. Our brain “takes shortcuts” and creates connections between stimuli and responses. Oftentimes, pain will appear alongside another stimulus (a certain noise, a certain action etc.).

For example, lower back pain will appear alongside an action that we’re used to: bending over, tying our shoes, lifting something, driving, sitting, etc. The brain begins to interpret the neutral stimulus as problematic or dangerous, and creates a connection between it and the activation of the pain pathways.

The connection created between the stimulus and the pain through conditioning sparks the pain over and over again, which begins to develop a life of its own. In neurological terms, this is increasing efficiency: the brain sends warning signals quickly and immediately when encountering the stimulus it suspects is damaging. Now, bending over/sitting/walking or any other stimulus activates the pain pathways even if it’s not actually dangerous. The problem is that the longer this connection is activated, the more we will be afraid of those stimuli (triggers), and will try to avoid them (avoiding carrying, lifting, bending over, sitting etc.).

The fear and the avoidance, as mentioned, fuel the danger response system with more threat signals, and maintain the pain cycle.

3- Pain Changes and Increases Sensitivity in the Danger Response System Itself


Pain Changes and Increases Sensitivity in the Danger Response System Itself

Pain Changes and Increases Sensitivity in the Danger Response System Itself. The brain and central nervous system are always changing and adapting to changes. This is the reason we can always learn new things. Neural connections in the brain are formed, strengthened, or weakened according to how often we use them.
This ability of the brain to adapt is called neuroplasticity (neuro=brain, plastic=flexible and changing).
The amazing fact is that pain changes the brain. Yes, you read that right!

The more we experience pain, our central nervous system (our brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system (the nerves running throughout our bodies) can become more sensitive or “better” at producing pain. For example, the brain can give a command to create more sensors in the tissues, causing them to be more sensitive.
Now, more environmental stimuli will be perceived by these sensors and will be signaled to the spinal cord, and the brain will receive exaggerated signaling from this area. Another change occurs in the spinal nerves that pass danger signals to the brain.

The brain can increase their sensitivity to chemicals that increase their activation, and even cause additional cells in the region to signal and cause pain. This causes the painful area to grow larger, and it no longer reflects the health of the tissue where the pain occurs. Basically, in this new situation, the brain begins to rely on information that points to exaggerated danger. Based on this information, it continues to create pain pathways. It’s like an overly sensitive smoke detector. Instead of sounding the alarm only when there is smoke in the apartment, it beeps constantly even if someone lights a candle in the stairwell.

This process of increasing sensitivity in the central nervous system and brain to sensory stimuli is called “central sensitization.” It’s very important to understand this process because it stands behind many of the phenomena experienced by people living with chronic pain. It’s a mechanism that’s responsible, for example, for a painful area becoming more sensitive over time (when even superficial and gentle touch increases the pain) or for pain expanding and spreading to the surrounding areas.


Don’t worry

Just as the brain is flexible and adaptable and can create pain pathways, it can also change them. Once we understand this, we are already on our way to a solution. It’s possible, with the right tools, to rewire the brain, canceling neural pathways of pain and creating new ones instead. This takes knowledge, practice, and patience, but it’s completely possible! The plan has a number of stages: accurate diagnosis, learning, and application of tools that can decrease arousal of the brain’s danger response system — (treatment method).

Bottom Line


2. Pain Mechanism

The brain holds the “remote control”: it can create pain, stop it, and control its intensity. Pain does not reflect the level of physical damage, but rather the brain’s opinion of the level of danger present in a given moment.

This opinion is formed by calculating data brought to the brain from various channels: from the tissue and the body, from emotions, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, assumptions, expectations, memories, and present context.

When the brain and nervous system identify danger, a series of neural connections between various brain cells is formed that becomes a kind of neural pathway transmitted back to the body as pain.

Physical and emotional threats are one and the same to the nervous system. The neurological defense system responds via the autonomic nervous system (the sympathetic branch) and activates chemical and physiological changes that can cause symptoms throughout the body.

Chronic pain that is not structural (neuroplastic pain) is a “miscommunication” in the conversation between the brain and the body. The brain continues to activate neural pathways of pain despite the fact that there is no actual danger present.

When pain continues for an extended period, the natural response to it (fear, worry, and focus on the symptoms) “fuels” the neurological danger response system to continue producing the pain response.

The neural pathways of pain turn into a kind of learned habit and are produced with greater efficiency by the brain and nervous system.

Over time, the neurological danger response system itself changes and becomes more sensitive to receiving stimuli and signals (sensory, emotional, or cognitive) and interpreting them as dangerous. In this new situation, the brain begins to rely on information that points to exaggerated danger to the tissues, which doesn’t reflect their actual health.


Next chapter
